Friday, October 4, 2013

Snow in Wyoming, Sunshine in Kentucky

It's snowing in Wyoming. 

I've gotten many updates throughout the day how much snow has come down, which ditches are full, road closures, visibility, how hard the wind is blowing, who got stuck where and so on.

It's made me really homesick. OK, yea I may not be from Wyoming originally but I still consider it my home.

You are probably thinking ugh they can keep the snow!! But me, I wish I was getting it instead. 

I got this picture this morning. And it started up a wave of snow fever that I can't control. 

This is what it looks like in Kentucky today and a cool 82 degrees.

I miss seeing this off my front porch. 

 I miss being able to plop down and make snow angels for oh 9 months out of the year...

I miss going to the cabin in the snow.

Seeing tiny (abandoned for the winter) villages buried in snow in the mountains...

Seeing the mountain lakes covered...without all the fishermen in the way... 

So while I am roasting here in Kentucky, I will dream of the snow and all the adventures that go with it and hope for the day when I can head back to God's Country.

Maybe I will turn up the A/C tonight and make myself a cup of hot chocolate and pretend I'm in the middle of the first big snow. 

After all, if I can't be there, might as well dream about it!

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